JavaFX experiments
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Experiments in building frontend applications using JavaFX and RxJava. This project is part of an investigation in user interface frameworks/libraries to be used for two new frontend modules in EASY.
JavaFX facilitates building native desktop applications using Java, Scala or other JVM languages. RxJava is used to coordinate between user input events and the backend system.
Within the repository there are a number of subprojects:
- shoppinglist - a shoppinglist application build using JavaFX and RxJava, in Scala
- shoppinglist-scalafx - a shoppinglist application build using ScalaFX (a port of JavaFX in Scala) and RxJava
- mvi-lib - a library to support building JavaFX applications using the MVI pattern by Hannes Dorfmann
- bmi-calculator - a simple BMI calculator build using JavaFX, RxJava and the MVI pattern
- shoppinglist-mvi - a shoppinglist application build using JavaFX, RxJava and the MVI pattern